On Thursday we formed new tribes and began collecting research ideas for our next speech. If you can, get on our Facebook group and thank Trenia Napier, our research consultant, for showing us the online digital archives at EKU. She's a member of our group.
You may also use the Facebook group to ask Trenia, me, or other classmates, questions about your research, the assignment, or your topic. We all need to support each other.
After our last class session you should all have five or so sources to help you generate ideas for your speech. Many of you are using interviews and personal experiences to gather information. As you collect info, be sure to take pictures and video footage. You may want to use this in your speech.
For Tuesday's class time, I want you to conduct the research you'll need to create a compelling story to share with us. Remember,
there is no class on Tuesday, but I will expect you to check the blog. I'll be presenting at the QEP showcase in the Library if you'd like to stop by and play my Zombie card game.
Before class time ends on Tuesday, I want you to email me a freewrite on how you intend to organize your speech. Read Chapter 7 and incorporate what you learned into your freewrite. You can email this freewrite to me from now until Tuesday.
I also want you to watch
Amy Purdy's Ted Talk.
Have a great weekend.