Friday, January 20, 2012

Be ready to present on Tuesday

On Thursday's class we discussed ethics, the grading rubric used in this class, and how to stand with your group and with a clicker. We even had time to work on our Prezis. Looks like you all are getting the hang of it.

I hope you'll be able to find at least three approaches to determining whether you are making ethical decisions. I find the concepts of utilitarianism (best for the most), universality (if everyone did this, the world would be fine), and virtue ethics (who you aspire to be/who mom would be proud of)to work in many situations. Remember, a decision may not work for all approaches, but two out of three isn't bad. At least you'll be able to defend your actions.

Be ready to present on Tuesday. There is no other homework besides perfecting your Prezi and practicing for your presentation. Email me or your tribe members if you have any questions or post your question/comments on our Facebook page. (See link in post below.)

I'll be selecting tribes at random unless a tribe volunteers.

Have a great weekend. Until Tuesday, practice out loud and with your Prezi. I'm looking forward to hearing your stories and learning more about you.

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