Thursday, October 18, 2012

Some reading and a draft Outline

I hope you were inspired today by Steve Jobs. I love his advice to keep looking for what you enjoy doing and not settling for someone else's dream. By the way, I love my job and working with you!  

Wow. So today we learned that our lab has a two different versions of PowerPoint. Frustrating but informative. I hope the activity got you thinking about memorable word choices and how PowerPoint can be used in more visually engaging ways than just a heading, three bullet points, and come clip art. Be sure to visit our Facebook Group and vote for your favorite image (moving or static). 

As you form your speech, remember: you'll have 4 minutes. That's it. Make each minute count. (I think Steve Jobs said this in his speech.)  

For Tuesday, I want you to read Chapter 11 in your book. Focus on the section that discusses the characteristics of effective delivery. I want you to be comfortable with the topic in class on Tuesday.

I also want you to have a draft of your Outline. I'll be picking them up, so be sure to have another copy. I don't want to accidentally lose your only outline. My goal is to try to offer some feedback before class on Thursday, when your table can offer their advice.  

Stay hungry; stay foolish. Have a great weekend!

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