Friday, October 28, 2011

Outlines and reflections and flyers, oh my.

Our discussion about the recruitment speech was really insightful for me. You all have grasped so much of the abstract concepts from the book. I really enjoyed the unique ways you analyzed the organization and appeals the speakers used.

On Tuesday, our next class, your outline is due and so are your speech reflections. I also want you to read Chapter 11. Focus on characteristics of effective delivery.

Bring your flyer to class. It should be on a 8.5 by 11 piece of paper. This should serve as a visual reminder of what your topic is and what your group may be doing if formed. You can also display the flyer with the doc cam while you speak.

Remember, on Thursday I'll be presenting at a conference, so I want you to use the time to practice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bring Outline Drafts to Class and Read Chapter 15

Our final outlines for the persuasive speeches are due on Tuesday, November 1 along with the reflections on your informative speeches, so I'd like you to bring in a printed copy of your outline to class this Thursday.

We will begin the class with a guest presentation. The presentation will be persuasive in nature, so I want you to take notes to see how the speech is organized and how the speaker(s) make a connection with you, the audience. I'm interested in what you think works in the presentation as it pertains to chapter 15 in the book.

After the presentation we will get some feedback from the tribe on your outlines. Remember, outlines are worth 25 points.

Have a productive Wednesday.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Read Chapter 10 and other important information

We braved the chilly, rainy weather only to suffer the unrelenting heat from a broken furnace, but we did get to talk about our speeches and work through some ideas. I hope our computer glitches didn't set you back.

If you are still struggling with speech ideas please let me know. Email me. Now. Or ask Siri if you have an iPhone 4S. Or make an appoint at the Noel Studio. Don't wait.

For Tuesday's class, I'd like you to read Chapter 10 in your book. I'm not assigning a video because I want you to watch your own video. If you were not in class today--or if your video isn't working--email me, set up an appointment, and bring your USB drive to my office to get a copy.

After you watch your informative speech, I want you to write a reflection paper. The prompt is written in the blog entry below. These reflections are due on November 1 (the same day your outline is due), but you can bring it to class early if you'd like.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reflection Questions

What did you learn from your first speech that you applied to your informative speech?

What did you like about your informative speech?

What would you like to do better?

What steps can you take to improve your next speech?

What about the informative speech assignment did you find helpful? What about the assignment should be changed?

Any other comments?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Focusing your topic and more plans for your persuasive speech

Thanks for experimenting with Prezi today. I think this structure may be helpful with providing ideas and feedback on our topic ideas. As such, I want you to log back into our group Prezi, choose a box, put your topic and a brief description into the box (if you haven't already), and provide comments on three other speech topics. Put your name, then the comment using the "body" font.

Remember the "locavore restaurant" idea was mine, so it doesn't count for comments. If you were not in class today, email me asap and I'll send you a link.

The outline for your persuasive speech is due November 1. The speeches will be on November 8 and 10. The goal of your speech is to present an idea for a project, adventure, or experience to the class and try to convince them to join you on your mission. You will also create a flyer to help remind people of your project idea.

Remember, our Persuasive speech is 3 to 4 minutes long--no longer. You will have no technology except the doc cam, which you can use to project your flyer, which will be persuasive in nature.

If you have any questions email me or set up a meeting to talk in the Noel Studio.

Also for Thursday, be sure to read chapter 8 and watch the video below. (Here's a link.)

Have a great Wednesday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Coming up with a Persuasive Speech topic

We got so much covered today; thanks for keeping up and staying focused. 

This weekend I want you to come up with a plan for your next speech. Read posts below if you forgot how the assignment works. And please, feel free to bounce ideas off of me via email. I should be online most of the time.

Have your topic idea ready for class on Tuesday, and read Chapter 6 in your book. We may have some class time for you to get feedback on your speech topic ideas, so if you have a few, bring them all to class.

I also want you to watch the video below by Graham. (Here's a link.) I think it's fitting because his speech could be a project proposed to the class.

Have a great weekend.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Break: A few things that need to be done

Well, we almost got through all our informative speeches, but due to the technical glitch today in class we still have speeches that will be covered when we get back from break on Thursday, Oct 13.

For that class I want you to read Chapter 14 in the book. It's a good discussion of how persuasion works, something you all should consider as you begin your next speech. Bring some ideas to class, we'll us some of that time to discuss them in groups.

I also want you to watch this short video (here's a link). Consider how Marcin proposes we change the way modern civilization works:

Have a fun and safe Fall break!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Last Day of Informative Speeches: Thursday, October 6

Our Informative Speeches are about over, and I've learned so much. Thanks. We will finish up these speeches on Thursday, so be sure to attend--especially if you haven't presented yet. Thursday is the last day for these speeches.

Some of you have asked me about the next speech we will give in class. It's a persuasive speech in which you will have 6 minutes to present a project to the class.

This project should be something that could be completed with four or five people in one class period after one class period of preparation. I've seen a wide range of projects completed: fundraisers, volunteer work, prayer walk, condom distribution, litter collection, random acts of kindness, community garden plans, awareness campaigns, promotional material production ... the project depends on you, your interests, and your imagination.

Your mission is to get four or five people in the class excited enough to put your project first on their list.

Based on your presentation, the class will vote on projects they would like to complete. I will form groups based on how you vote, and the project will be done. Your final speech will be entertaining in nature, as you present, with your group, what you did for your class project.

We can talk about this next speech more in class. But I just wanted to give you a heads up, so you can begin thinking of some project ideas. Feel free to comment on this blog post or email me with any questions.

Have a great Wednesday.