Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Informative Speeches Complete: On to persuasive speeches

We may have one or two more speeches to hear on Thursday, but, for the most part, our informational speeches are complete. I want you to reflect on your informative speech in a one or two page paper due March 13--the Tuesday after Spring Break. Here are some questions that I'd like you to answer:
  1. What did you learn from your first speech that you applied to your informative speech?
  2. What did you like about your informative speech?
  3. What would you like to do better?
  4. What steps can you take to improve your next speech?
  5. What about the informative speech assignment did you find helpful? What about the assignment should be changed?
  6. Any other comments?
As for Thursday's class (March 1) we can now move on to the Persuasive speech--my personal favorite. As we discussed in class, the goal of your speech is to present an idea for a project, adventure, or experience to the class and try to convince a few of them to join you on your mission. You, as the audience, will vote on what you would like to do. I will form new tribes after the speeches are over.

For our next class, I want you to read Chapter 14. I also want you to watch this TedTalk. Be prepared to write about what you read and watched when you get to class.

See you Thursday!

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